Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Hey everyone!

This has been such a hectic week! With so many midterms and papers due I didn’t have much time to do anything exciting lol However, Now that I actually have some free time, I decided to do some nail art to get in the spirit for St. Patrick’s Day!


The picture is a little blurry but aren’t they so cute?! I started out by putting fake nails on and then painted them green once they were dry. THEN I cut off a corner of an unused kitchen sponge and painted one side with mint green nailpolish. Then you just sponge on the color and reapply whenever you need. It’s SO simple. Believe me, if I can do it, you can too. My sister can attest to my terrible nail skills!

In other news, I have gotten pretty far now in Cameron Diaz’s Body Book and it just keeps getting better and better! I find it hard to put it down and read the textbooks that I need to for school! But, of course, work comes first. Between the book and House of Cards it’s a wonder I got anything done this week at all! (If you have not heard of/seen House of Cards I suggest you go watch it right now. Two words: Kevin. Spacey. I literally invested in a Netflix account just to watch it!)

Hope you all have a great St. Patty’s Day!!


One thought on “Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  1. totalstephaniemove says:

    OMG I’m reading Cameron’s book too! OBSESSED. Also equally obsessed with House of Cards! Cousins think alike I guess! 🙂

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